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Nordic Market Overview, summer 2023

Stockholm 2023-07-12

What a great start of the year!

Market overview:

We at Helix Ice would like to wish our investors, sellers, servicing partners, advisors and networking friends a really nice summer and we hope you will take the chance to BBQ as much as possible. 

We have had a really great start of the 2023 with some nice highlights to point out for the first 6 months:

  • 85 MEUR investments made across the Nordics in NPL portfolios
  • First transactions finalized in Norway
  • Senior advisor in deals outside the Nordics
  • Participated on stage in the Nordic session of NPL Europe 2023 in London
  • Full audit without remarks by PwC on all investment companies that we represent via Power of Attorney
  • Co-investment dialogues 
  • And July has started really well…

The Nordic NPL market is still the buyers market and we have seen several examples now the last year of sellers adjusting their expectations and accepting a lower price on portfolios than before. The forecasted NPL volumes, especially in the bank & finance segment, for the coming 12 months in the Nordics are on really high levels and we are in several interesting dialogues on future collaborations regarding those deals. New investors with low experience from investing in the Nordic NPL are also more and more opening up to step into our region as the price levels on portfolios now have been adjusted and also that some of the existing buyers of portfolios are shifting focus.

Collection forecast is still met in the majority of the deals, but we absolutely see an effect of the macro-economic situation across the Nordics and are working closely with our servicing partners to find the best way forward to keep up the contact with our debtors. When talking to other buyers of NPL portfolios in the Nordic market they confirm our view.

Please feel free to contact us for more dialogues and opportunities around the Nordic NPL market, we love to share our knowledge.

Enjoy the summer!

/COO, Johan Gustafsson

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