April recipe

Recipe of the month – April, time to get the BBQ up and running!

We are very proud of our Nordic region and to be a part of developing that further with enable new types of business solutions and investment collaborations. Our expertise is NPL portfolios in the Nordics, but we also like to enjoy the Nordic way of living and in that good food is a cornerstone. Each month we will give you our “Recipe of the month” that is something with a Nordic touch that can help you with some extra energy to you and your business. 

April and the nature are full of energy and everyday there is something new to discover after the winter sleep. Everything is fresh with a new start and full of taste and power and it is high time to fire up the BBQ if you haven´t already done it.

Here we share a recipe with reindeer cooked in a pan but you can use other type of wild meat and heat it up on the BBQ. Enjoy! 


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