Recipe of the month – January

We are very proud of our Nordic region and to be a part of developing that further with enable new types of business solutions and investment collaborations. Our expertise is NPL portfolios in the Nordics, but we also like to enjoy the Nordic way of living and in that good food is a cornerstone. Each month we will give you our “Recipe of the month” that is something with a Nordic touch that can help you with some extra energy to you and your business.

January and ski season, both X-country and down hill is possible to enjoy. And what is better after some hours out in the cold than a warm, spicy goulash soup. If you still have some wild game in the freezer you can use that, but of course other kind of meat works fine. Get some extra great touch to it if you for an example can find a nice goulash paste to add, both hot and mild versions to be found.

Recipe on

Never call last run!

Recipe of the month – December

We are very proud of our Nordic region and to be a part of developing that further with enable new types of business solutions and investment collaborations. Our expertise is NPL portfolios in the Nordics, but we also like to enjoy the Nordic way of living and in that good food is a cornerstone. Each month we will give you our “Recipe of the month” that is something with a Nordic touch that can help you with some extra energy to you and your business.

December and a lot of discussions on what to eat. Both during Christmas time and later on New Years Eve. What to have for dinner the last evening of the year? Maybe try something with a Nordic touch this year, a piece of delicious meat from the forest and with some Nordic touch also when it comes to condiments.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Recipe of the month – November

We are very proud of our Nordic region and to be a part of developing that further with enable new types of business solutions and investment collaborations. Our expertise is NPL portfolios in the Nordics, but we also like to enjoy the Nordic way of living and in that good food is a cornerstone. Each month we will give you our “Recipe of the month” that is something with a Nordic touch that can help you with some extra energy to you and your business.

November and people are starting to prepare to get in the right Christmas mood. In the Nordics and especially in Sweden we have a great selection of game meat such as roe deer, wild boar and elk to choose from if we would like to enjoy some food that is really local and environmentally friendly. Why not give the sausage a chance and as a great family or friend activity – make your own sausage?


Recipe of the month – October

Brouwers viltgryta

Alla ingredienser är “höftade” under tiden så anpassa efter eget tycke
Val av viltkött går bra att variera efter tillgång, jag valde att kombinera älgbiff med griskind för att få mycket smak av älgen och kombinera med fettet från griskinden

Ingredienser gryta:
500g älgbiff (utan kappa)
70g griskind
100g smör
5dl vatten
1dl tomatpuré
1tsk dijonsenap
10cl buljong (kalv)
5cl umamifond
2,5dl bayersk öl (falcon 2,8%)
kryddblandning av rosmarin (20%), rosepeppar (25%), torkade enbär (25%), muskotnöt (15%) och svartpeppar (15%)
3 lagerblad
3 små morötter
1 gul lök
1 svenskt äpple
2 schalottenlökar
50g torkade trattkantareller
1tsk majsstärkelse

Ingredienser puré:
10 mandelpotatisar
1 palsternacka
1,5dl grädde

Steg 1:
Putsa älgbiffen och ta bort kappan, skiva upp i grytbitar
Putsa och tärna griskinden
Bryn älgbiff i ca 50g smör (spar resten till steg 3)
Ta ur älgbiffen och bryn griskinden

Lägg tillbaka älgbiffen och tillsätt vatten, tomatpuré, senap, buljong och umamifond
Låt puttra i ca 1 timme

Steg 2:
Hacka den gula löken och morötterna, tärna samt skala äpplet
Mortla kryddblandningen
Tillsätt i grytan tillsammans med ölet och lagerbladen
Låt puttra i ca 30 min
Smaka av och justera kryddning vid behov

Steg 3:
Hacka schalottenlök
blötlägg svampen så de sväller
Blanda majsstärkelse med kvarvarande smör
Tillsätt ingredienserna till grytan och låt puttra i ca 30 min till
Smaka av och justera kryddning vid behov

Steg 4:
Skala och skär potatis samt palsternacka i bitar, skär palsternacka i något mindre bitar än potatis
koka med en nypa salt i ca 15 min tills allt är mjukt
Tillsätt grädde och mosa
Smaka av med olja, salt och peppar

Steg 5:
Servera tillsammans med lättare sallad och mörk öl eller rödvin efter smak
OBS: Grytan gör sig allra bäst dagen efter då smakerna har lagt sig och grytan stått till sig i kylskåp över natten, blir perfekt lunch vid hemmajobb


English version (via Google translate) one page 2.

Recipe of the month – September 2021

We are very proud of our Nordic region and to be a part of developing that further with enable new types of business solutions and investment collaborations. Our expertise is NPL portfolios in the Nordics, but we also like to enjoy the Nordic way of living and in that good food is a cornerstone. Each month we will give you our “Recipe of the month” that is something with a Nordic touch that can help you with some extra energy to you and your business.

September is here and we are enjoying the fall with its charm. Less daylight but more candles and hunting season has started. Instead of having a chicken dinner, why don’t give forest birds a chance?
Stekt orrtupp med trattkantarellrisotto | Kö (

Recipe of the month – August 2021

We are very proud of our Nordic region and to be a part of developing that further with enable new types of business solutions and investment collaborations. Our expertise is NPL portfolios in the Nordics, but we also like to enjoy the Nordic way of living and in that good food is a cornerstone.

Each month we will give you our “Recipe of the month” that is something with a Nordic touch that can help you with some extra energy to you and your business.

End of summer – August Recipe

August is the end of summer here in the Nordics and start of the fall, nature around is full of delicious things to harvest. Why don’t take a trip to the forest and get some nice Karl-Johan svamp/ Steinpilz / mushroom and make a risotto?